CCHR issues report titled "False Promises - Exploring the Citizenshi​p Rights of the Khmer Krom in Cambodia"

Dear all

The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) today, 4 July 2011, releases a report titled “False Promises – Exploring the Citizenship Rights of the Khmer Krom in Cambodia”.

The Report explores and analyzes the contradiction between the Royal Government of Cambodia’s public confirmation that the Khmer Krom, ethnic Khmer from South Vietnam, are Cambodian citizens, and the practical difficulties faced by the Khmer Krom who try to access the benefits of their Cambodian citizenship by applying for citizenship identity cards which are required to unlock the rights and benefits that are attached to citizenship/nationality such as employment, education, and property rights land rights. The central and overriding recommendation of the Report is for the RGC to put an immediate end to the uncertain situation that faces Khmer Krom who arrive in Cambodia by confirming their Khmer citizenship/nationality through the creation of a coherent framework that is specifically designed to facilitate Khmer Krom applications for ID cards.

Please find the report in English and the Executive Summary and Recommendations in Khmer. Also attached is a press release outlining the release in English and Khmer.

Thank you and kind regards

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